Regimental Aid Station
Hours: 0800-1600
Address: 6894R Selden St. MCBH, HI 96863
Front Desk
DSN: (315) 457-2648
Commercial: (808) 257-2648
Services Provided
- Routine/Acute medical problems
- Physicals: PHA's, MSG/SDA screening, LIMDU evaluation and treatment
- All regularly scheduled immunizations, including:
-HEP A/B, Influenza, MMR, TDAP, Anthrax, JEV, Smallpox, Typhoid, Twinrix
How to book an appointment
See the front desk at the Regimental Aid Station
Units Served
- 3d Marine Regiment
HQ Company
Combat Assault Company
1st Battalion, 3d Marines
2nd Battalion, 3d Marines
3rd Battalion, 3d Marines
- 1st Battalion, 12th Marines
- 3d Radio Battalion
New Join Information
On arrival to MCBH Kaneohe Bay, new Sailor/Marine is expected to check-in at the front desk of the Regimental Aid Station to update and turn in medical records, be screened for vaccination status, and address any health concerns.
What to do post-deployment
Post-deployment health assessments are at the discretion of individual battalions. You may be instructed by your command to have a post-deployment health assessment completed.
Directions from base entrance
Enter Marine Corps Base Hawaii through the main gate on G Street. Turn right on 3rd St. (you will see Inns of the Corps on your right). Bear left at the T-intersection to continue on Selden St. The Regimental Aid Station will be on your right, with parking directly in front of the building.